Experiences Ellauri Hotel

Spring awakens in Ellauri

  Spring in the Basque Country is accentuated with the emergence of life. We leave the cold winter behind and the hours of sunshine increase , inviting us to get out of the winter lethargy and discovering new sensations thanks to nature that reveals its

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Primavera en el País Vasco

Spring awakens in Ellauri. We welcome spring

  Spring in the Basque Country is accentuated with the emergence of life. We leave the cold winter behind and the hours of sunshine increase , inviting us to get out of the winter lethargy and discovering new sensations thanks to nature that reveals its

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Tres planes románticos para disfrutar en pareja

Hydrotherapy. Discover the multiple benefits of the Spa

    Full relaxation for your body and mind Since their origins associated mainly with the ancient Roman baths, Spas have become part of our life as something linked to physical and mental well-being. Many historians associate the term with the Belgian town of Spa,

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Desde Hotel Ellauri estaremos encantados de ser tu hogar durante estas fechas tan especiales. Queremos transmitir a nuestros huéspedes la ilusión de vivir estos momentos tan importantes para nosotros y seguramente acaben formando parte de tus recuerdos de tu estancia, dejando una huella en tu corazón imposible de borrar.


¡Estaremos encantados de que compartas con nosotros tu vivencia!