Ellauri Hotel

Spring awakens in Ellauri

  Spring in the Basque Country is accentuated with the emergence of life. We leave the cold winter behind and the hours of sunshine increase , inviting us to get out of the winter lethargy and discovering new sensations thanks to nature that reveals its

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Damos la bienvenida al otoño en Ellauri Hotela

We welcome autumn in Ellauri Hotela

    Autumn. The season of renewal. Fresh air along with changes of light, warn us that a new station is approaching. We welcome one of the most special times of the year, autumn. Autumn equinox will take place on September 23rd and at Ellauri

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Hotel Ellauri - Landscape Spa Hotel - Adults Only

Ellauri Hotel – Landscape Spa Hotel

  Welcome to the new Ellauri Hotel blog We want to give you the warmest welcome to our brand new blog and of course, to Ellauri Hotel. A new hotel concept only for adults, in which we have created for you a place where you

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Desde Hotel Ellauri estaremos encantados de ser tu hogar durante estas fechas tan especiales. Queremos transmitir a nuestros huéspedes la ilusión de vivir estos momentos tan importantes para nosotros y seguramente acaben formando parte de tus recuerdos de tu estancia, dejando una huella en tu corazón imposible de borrar.


¡Estaremos encantados de que compartas con nosotros tu vivencia!